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Hong Kong
Company Registration

Company registration is the process of giving legal recognition to a business organization. It is a process Hong Kong law requires for tax compliance purposes and it is a process that is essential if the owners of the company wish to limit their own personal liabilities.

Company registration is the process of giving legal recognition to a business organization. It is a process Hong Kong law requires for tax compliance purposes and it is a process that is essential if the owners of the company wish to limit their own personal liabilities.

Though company registration procedures are straightforward, many questions that need to be answered before and after registration are not. Key threshold questions are whether to register a company in Hong Kong and if so, how to structure the company to minimize taxes and achieve commercial objectives. Answering these questions requires a more nuanced grasp of Hong Kong's offering as an international business and financial centre and a deeper understanding of Hong Kong's tax regime. Even after these difficult questions are answered, there is an ongoing issue of how the new company will comply with Hong Kong laws consequent to registration.

Timothy Loh Fiduciary Services has over 15 years of experience helping clients with Hong Kong company registrations. We assist clients throughout the company registration process, providing the necessary advice on these and other key structural questions and handling registration formalities. Following registration, we offer a full range of corporate services including Hong Kong company secretarial services with a view to ensuring that clients comply with statutory requirements consequent to registration and supporting clients in meeting commercial objectives.



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